The Journey Home

Edges of paintingsThe Journey Home. My three paintings were accepted into Salem Art Association’s annual Radius 25 show, a show open to established and emerging adult artists living or working with a 25-mile radius of Salem. The theme for this year’s show is Walkabout: Paths, Journeys & Destinations. I immediately knew that my theme would be The Journey Home, the journey home for my dad, who died May 17.

I decided to use a previous painting (that my mother has hanging in her kitchen) as my inspiration. Here’s a page from my working art journal.

IMG_8668We were asked to write a process statement, describing our process and subject matter. Here is what I submitted:

My three Journey Home pieces were created by painting cradled wood panels with acrylic paint, applying a layer of plaster for texture and interest, sanding, scraping, then staining the plaster with watered down acrylic paint. All of this was in preparation for painting, which I did using a mixture of oil and cold wax applied with a putty knife. The subject matter is a further exploration of working in layers and its relationship to memory, something I began experimenting with over and year ago in response to my father’s descent into dementia. My dad lost his battle with Alzheimer’s just a few weeks ago and these pieces were created in response to his death.

Lots of layers and contemplation went into these three pieces.




The finished pieces.


"The Journey Home: Without a Pang of Remorse," 18x18 inches, plaster, oil, and cold wax, on cradled panel.
“The Journey Home: Without a Pang of Remorse,” 18×18 inches, plaster, oil, and cold wax, on cradled panel.
"The Journey Home: Caught in an Undertow," 18x18 inches, plaster, oil, and cold wax, on cradled panel.
“The Journey Home: Caught in an Undertow,” 18×18 inches, plaster, oil, and cold wax, on cradled panel.


"The Journey Home: The Ease of Slumber," 18x18 inches, plaster, oil, and cold wax, on cradled panel.
“The Journey Home: The Ease of Slumber,” 18×18 inches, plaster, oil, and cold wax, on cradled panel.


The show runs from Friday, July 11 through Friday, August 29, at Bush Barn in Salem, Oregon.
